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​​Claire Curneen: 'Passages'

The work and curation are discussed from key critical positions in the analysis of art.







Placement:  Audio Recording:: Curators Dawn youll and Lowri Davies demonstrate ceramics reflection of environment, society and culture.

Natasha Mayo


Bridging the Divide: In Conversation Between Practice and Theory
This on-going project explores the exhibition and studio space as a site or opportunity for discussion and debate: The relationship between art practice and film can be a vital and powerful tool for the learning and teaching of art, one discipline reinforcing the creative capacity of the other. Art provides the imagery, the making tangible, giving form to ideas and film offers a means of identifying with this process.
However, beyond mere documentation of what has happened, film can also enable a re-activation of the happening itself, imbued with the emotion of the moment of its telling. It allows thought to be experienced as a succession of unfolding events; recording connections and associations made and the consequence of their interaction.
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