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There is a particular quality of silence in an empty room, especially a family home when the door slams loudly and voices dissipate along the street. It is as if the air exhales, released from its constant disruption, constant churning by children running up the stairs and through doorways. For a moment, it is given reprieve to settle into the spaces left behind.
Material Presence 2018
May 2019
Ceramics Art and Perception: article 'Pacing the Perimeter'
May 2019
Ceramics Art and Perception: article 'Pacing the Perimeter'
Eight Propositions
here are many ways in which drawing can be used as a means examine and develop ideas, this resource simply identifies eight of them. Their purpose is to imbed drawing as a means of working out ideas, as part of the process of creating rather than an afterthought. To this end, each approach is explored from a theoretical viewpoint - a discussion that places the approach into a wider field if ideas.
Each approach is demonstrated in three distinct ways:
Illustration of indicative work - Images and student work offering a clear example of the approach
Demonstrations of how it can be used as a developmental tool – students use of the approach in exploring ideas through a series of stages
Workshop Exercises –a formal or step-by-step description of how to begin the approach.